
Why Building Maintenance Systems, Inc. is best suited for you, and how will BMSI add value?
BMSI is a property and facility service firm dedicated to providing superior value-added service that aggressively responds to opportunities, needs, and problems faced by tenants, investors and owners of commercial real estate. Our people, comprehensive services, flexibility and philosophy are the key ingredients for BMSI’s solid track record for success. BMSI has built and operates its organization on the foundation of a “people first” philosophy. As a service organization, each and every employee IS our reputation. Quality compensation and benefits attract and retain quality people. Experienced, proven, and goal-oriented professionals who continually sharpen their skills with on-going education in order to consistently deliver superior service and performance is our trademark in the industry.
BMSI’s standard operating procedures enable each of our property/facility personnel to use standardized policies for all decision-making, tailored to each specific asset. These policies and procedures are designed to provide consistent record keeping, reporting and employment of proper techniques in delivery of total operations and maintenance services. Among these procedures are: contracting and contract management, property/facility inspections, asset component life-cycle analysis, work orders and preventive maintenance, utility monitoring and management, operating and capital expense budgeting, purchasing and supply inventory accountability, safe work programs, life safety systems and risk management. For our clients, these strategies are implemented in concert with the client’s objectives, resulting in a merger of planned goals in order to produce a comprehensive program for specific annual operating and capital budgets that become the guidelines for all operations.
Our Services Include:
HVAC mechanical equipment
Replace and/or tighten belts, grease motors, adjust refrigerant levels, change filter, temperature adjustments, thermostat calibrations and VAV adjustments and repairs.
Cooling Towers
Drain and clean cooling tower sumps, monitor chemical levels, replace and/or tighten belts, grease motors, take amperage readings, replace bearings, log cooling tower temperatures.
Setup of Computer Maintenance Management System
Bar code all mechanical, electrical, plumbing and HVAC equipment. Program routine preventive maintenance schedules and setup tracking of tenant requests.
Daily electric meter readings, clean contacts, minor tighten down on field panels and contactors, replace ballasts, lights, breakers, contactors and motors subject to contract agreement.
Perform daily water readings, replace diaphragms, washers and seats, handle repair kits ballcock assemblies, wax rings, aerators, service hot water heaters, domestic water pumps and related equipment.
Maintain weekly/daily log books
Apartment Punch Out
Weekly inspections
Inspect all restrooms, mechanical equipment, lighting, roofing, pumps, towers, electric rooms.
Monitor EMS
Check energy management system schedules, set day light savings time, schedule overtime HVAC, determine optimal use of system.
Keep on-site files containing Materials Safety Data Sheets on all used or stored materials.
Lock out/tag out
Implement lock out/tag out program.
Provide reports
Furnish monthly reports outlining service response times, frequency of calls, PM work orders completed and outstanding tickets.
Additional services
We will provide, vendor solicitation for major R&M, monitor tenant build outs and other vendor contracted services.

Pandemic Support
As we continue to navigate these uncertain times, the safety and well‑being of our customers and employees remains our top priority. To that end, as an essential business to the communities we serve, we are reaching out to let you know as always, we are here for you providing temporary and long-term engineering and maintenance staffing. Nick 301-452-8808